June 5, 2023
The Exchange It settings page is the home of a number of features that can improve your experience using the app. You can customise a variety of processes to suit your needs.
Open the app homepage by pressing the apps menu on the Shopify navbar and searching Exchange It. Then you can select the settings page from the navbar or use the button in the top right of the screen.
You can also access the settings page while working on a return by using the “Settings” button in the top right of the screen.
Top Tip: While you have the app open, press the pin button in the top right to save it to the Shopify navbar!
If you have staff in your team who need to use the app and don’t have access to the Shopify “Products” permission, then activate this setting. It will make the app use a custom product picker that doesn’t require the Products permission.
There is also the option to exclude certain products from this product picker, for example - bundles. To use this just enter the relevant product tag and then these products won’t be visible.
When you create an exchange, the app will apply a note to the original order. This can be switched on/off using the checkbox “Apply an automated note to the original order”. Then the text of the automated note can also be customised to show the most useful information to your team. Several different variables can be used, these are listed below. Please ensure the correct spelling is used to avoid any errors!
This can be very helpful for communicating between team members or setting up 3rd party integrations.
If you are regularly using the same location for restocking products, you can set this as your default location. Then it will be pre-set each time you are processing an exchange to save you time.
To activate this feature, select the checkbox “Set a default restock location” and choose your desired location from the dropdown selector.
When you create a new Exchange Order, the app will apply a note to the order. The note can be switched on/off using the checkbox “Apply an automated note to the exchange order”. The text of the automated note can also be customised to show the most useful information to your team.
You also have the option of combining both the automated exchange order note, detailed above, with the order-specific note that is applied on the exchange page. This is controlled using the “Add both automated and custom exchange order notes” checkbox.
The new Exchange Order can also have tags automatically added to it. As a default, the tag “Exchange” is automatically applied. The tags can be switched on/off using the checkbox “Add a tag to the exchange order”. If you would like to change the tag or add further tags this can be done using the input field below the checkbox. Each tag should be separated by a comma (,) and is limited to 40 characters.
When the new Exchange Order is created, two different emails can be sent to the customer. These are an order confirmation or a shipping confirmation, you can choose to include either one or both of these emails by selecting the relevant check boxes.
The pricing on the Exchange Order can be handled in two different ways. The total amount can be discounted from the order as a “Custom Discount”. Or the price of the products in the order can be set to zero, so the total will equal zero.
You should select the correct option for your store and please check the effect it has on your sales reporting.