How to Create a Replacement Order


June 5, 2023

Open the Original Order

When you receive a replacement order request, simply open the customer's original order within Shopify, click "Exchange with Exchange It" from the More Actions menu or search the order on the Exchange It homepage to start a new replacement order process.

Select Products for Restocking

If items from the original order are returned then you can select the product(s) to return (and restock, if desired). Simply select the quantity of each item to be restocked and the relevant location. If you do not wish to restock any products, then leave the return quantity as zero or select “No Restock”.

Restock Products if required

Top tip: If you regularly use the same location, set it as the Default Restock Location on the Settings Page.

Adding Products to the Exchange Order

Once you are happy with the returned items from the original order, you can move on to the replacement order. Here you can use the product picker to select the original products again. Exchange It does not include any charge unless the “charge customer…” checkbox is selected. Therefore, without this, any products added here will be included at zero value ($0) – ideal for an easy replacement!

Select Add Products
Select the relevant products

Top tip: If you have many products in your store, it’s much quicker to search for a specific item!

Customer Information and Order Note

Exchange It automatically populates the original customer information including, customer name, phone, email, and shipping address. These can be edited if you need to send the replacement items to someone else.

Customer Information and Order Note

If it is a POS order and no customer information is required, then select the “No Customer Information Required (POS Order)” checkbox.

If the product does not require any shipping address but you would like to include the customer information, then uncheck the “Include Shipping Address” checkbox.

If you would like to add an order note to the replacement order, then this can be done using the text field on the right-hand side. For further information about order notes and tags, view the instructions on using the Settings Page.

Place Exchange and Summary

When you are happy with all the information, press the “Place Exchange Order” button to complete the process. This will trigger the Exchange Summary that will give you an overview of the operations that have occurred and if there were any errors.

Repleacement Order Summary

Then you can view the new order and simply process it using your normal order fulfilment method! No new funds will be collected for the replacement order and the app assumes free shipping - unless it is selected in the Customer Information section.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQs page or contact the support team!