June 5, 2023
When you receive a return from a customer and you wish to restock and/or refund the items, simply open the customer's original order within Shopify, click "Exchange with Exchange It" from the More Actions menu or search the order on the Exchange It homepage to start a new restock process.
You'll be given the option to select the product(s) to return (and restock, if desired). Simply select the quantity of each item to be restocked and the relevant location. You can select different locations for different products if you wish.
Top tip: If you regularly use the same location, set it as the Default Restock Location on the Settings Page.
Next, you can choose the products for a refund by selecting the “Refund the Customer for any of these items” checkbox. This will open a new panel that will allow you to select the number of items for the refund. There is also the option to “Edit Refund” – this allows you to modify the exact amount being sent to the customer.
The options to refund the original order shipping and taxes can be activated by opening the app settings page.
Once this top section is complete, head to the bottom of the page and ignore the other sections. If no products are added to the exchange order section, no new order will be created.
When you are happy with the restock & refund settings, press the “Place Exchange Order” button to complete the process. This will trigger the Exchange Summary that will give you an overview of the restocked items, refund and if there were any errors.
If you have any questions, check out our FAQs page or contact the support team!